8 research outputs found

    Tendencies in evolution of 21st century management

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    Classical paradigm of management formulated over century ago started to receive substantial critics already in the second half of 20th century. First attack on the paradigm appeared by the end of 1960s when the environment finally started to be treated as an important element of management. The second significant attack appeared in 1978 when Tom Peters (1978) developed the concept of eight principles of excellence which were in complete contradiction with the principles of classical paradigm of management. Peter Senge created further deflection from the paradigm in the 1990 with the concept of learning organization, while in the same year Michael Hammer and James Champy founded the thesis of organization of work around processes, as opposed to organization around tasks. At the beginning of 21st century a significant attack on the traditional paradigm of management was carried out by Peter Drucker who pointed out the changes which will emerge and their implications on enterprise, its organization and management. The greatest attack on classical paradigm of management was carried out by Gary Hamel (2007), stating that many management principles and systems are based on inadequate paradigm(s), and therefore manager\u27s innovations represent ultimate source of competitive advantages. All of this led some authors to ask themselves a question: Is the end of management on the way? In search for an answer to this question, this paper shows that the end of management has not come, but its future is yet to be devised

    Operational plan for responding to and rescuing works of art in the event of a fire: a case study for the Sacred Art Collection in Trogir, Croatia

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    Objective: To develop a model of an operational plan for rescuing cultural heritage on the example of the Sacred Art Collection in the city of Trogir, Croatia. Methods: We assessed the situation in the Sacred Art Collection, evaluated the existing safety measures, estimated the value of artifacts, made prioritization by value, measured each artifact, and developed grab sheets. Results: We produced an operational plan containing the general facility information, interior and exterior contacts’ list, the evacuation of people procedure, risk assessment, floor plans, list of priority artifacts, management structure, artifact evacuation procedure, triage room location, temporary storage areas, and grab sheets. Conclusion: The specific measurement for responding to and rescuing work of art in case of fire should be separate for each heritage micro and macro site in the historical cities. These measures differ from other similar measures because they take into consideration the material and non-material value of a work of art, which differ from case to case

    Mitigating Fire Risk in the Historic City of Trogir

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    Autori predstavljaju projekt nastao suradnjom Konzervatorskog odjela u Trogiru Ministarstva kulture i medija te Javne vatrogasne postrojbe Grada Trogira. Iako je inicijalno zamišljen kao jednogodišnji projekt s primarnim ciljem revidiranja postojeće procjene ugroženosti za povijesnu jezgru, projekt je nadišao prvotno zamišljene okvire i u smislu aktivnosti i broja uključenih partnera. Vatrogasci i konzervatori radili su zajedno kako bi uključili cijeli sektor civilne zaštite grada i aktivirali lokalnu zajednicu kroz DIG (disaster imagination game) i InSight radionice. Štoviše, projekt je prerastao u nacionalni program smanjivanja rizika od požara na baštini koji podupiru Ministarstvo kulture i medija te Hrvatska vatrogasna zajednica.This paper presents a project delivered in collaboration between the Conservation Department of the Ministry of Culture and the Trogir Fire Department. Although originally planned as a one-year project, with the aim of revising the existing Fire Risk Assessment for the historic city core of Trogir, it surpassed its initial framework, both in terms of activities and the partners involved. Fire-fighters and conservators worked together to engage the entire civil protection sector in the city, and to involve the local community through a disaster imagination game and InSight workshops. Moreover, the project has grown into a national programme for fire mitigation in heritage sites, supported by both the Ministry of Culture and the Croatian Fire Association


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    The aim of this paper is to prove the connection between the participation of knowledge workers in an organization and its performance, as well as to define how the change of the participation of knowledge workers influences organizational performance. The empirical research was conducted on a sample of 40 companies. Using a specially designed questionnaire, the research data, which includes data about the participation of knowledge workers in each company and indicators of companies\u27 financial performances, was collected. The empirical results discovered a statistically significant positive correlation between knowledge workers’ participation and organizational performance and also showed how each financial indicator of a company’s performance will change if the knowledge workers’ participation changes. Furthermore, the results show that the growth of knowledge workers’ participation in companies is not adequately followed by increased awards and other expenditures related to these workers, which could be a significant factor of the low productivity of these workers, which has also been proved by this research.Cilj ovoga rada je empirijski dokazati vezu između udjela radnika znanja zaposlenih u određenom poduzeću i njegove uspješnosti, te pokazati na koji način promjena udjela radnika znanja utječe na promjenu organizacijskih performansi. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je na uzorku od 40 poduzeća, pri čemu su analizirani podaci o udjelu radnika znanja u ukupnom broju radnika te podaci o financijskim performansama poduzeća. Rezultati empirijskog istraživanja ukazuju na vezu između udjela radnika znanja i organizacijskih performansi. Nadalje, rezultati pokazuju da rast udjela radnika znanja nije adekvatno praćen rastom nagrada i drugih troškova vezanih uz ove radnike koji mogu biti značajan faktor niske proizvodnosti ovih radnika koja je ovim istraživanjem također dokazana

    Methodological approach to organizational performance improvement process

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    Organizational performance improvement is one of the fundamental enterprise tasks. This especially applies to the case when the term “performance improvement” implies efficiency improvement measured by indicators, such as ROI, ROE, ROA, or ROVA/ROI. Such tasks are very complex, requiring implementation by means of project management. In this paper, the authors propose a methodological approach to improving the organizational performance of a large enterprise

    Successful competitive strategies of large Croatian and Slovenian enterprises

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    In this research report, the authors identify and analyze the successful samples of strategic behaviour of large Croatian and Slovenian enterprises, as well as their similarities and dissimilarities. The research has encompassed the levels of corporate and business strategy (i.e. the strategy of a diversified firm and its strategic business units/areas), as well as the analysis of strategic performance and sources of competitive advantage. The research consists of two parts: the theoretical foundation for the analysis of the successful patterns of strategic behaviour and the empirical analysis, based on the primary data collected during the research project


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    Razdoblje druge polovine 13. i početka 14. stoljeća u Dalmaciji obilježeno je urbanističkim i društvenim uzletom bivših antičkih gradova u pogledu komunalnog uređenja. Gradske vlasti su prvim statutima kodificirale dotadašnje običajno pravo i regulirale širenje gradskih prostora. Statutima su se propisivali gotovo svi važniji odnosi unutar komune, organizacija vlasti, kolegijalni i individualni organi, privredne aktivnosti, društveni slojevi, pravo osoba, stvarno, obvezno, nasljedno, pomorsko, kazneno pravo... pa tako i obveze vezane uz zaštitu od požara. Stoga među tim prvim statutarnim regulacijama pronalazimo i prve hrvatske pisane odredbe o protupožarnoj zaštiti. Najstarije su statutarne odredbe grada Dubrovnika iz 1272. i 1309. godine koje svojim građanima propisuju obvezu gašenja požara, dok se kaznene odredbe iz Statuta grada Trogira iz 1322. godine odlikuju najstrožim kaznama za palikuće i preciznim preventivnim mjerama najčešćih uzročnika požara u gradu. Osim tih izravnih, statuti su sadržavali i niz preventivnih, neizravno povezanih odredbi koje uređuju gradnju i gradske prostore radi sigurnosti, higijene, ali i protupožarne obrane grada. Unatoč tome, u svakom dalmatinskom gradu često su izbijali katastrofalni požari koji su, u pravilu, poharali čitava gradska predgrađa drvene izgradnje. Srednjovjekovni gradovi suprostavljali su se vatri organiziranjem i opremanjem svojih stanovnika za gašenje požara, statutarnim propisivanjem građevinskih mjera za sprječavanjem nastanka požara te kaznenih i strogih retributivnih odredbi prema počiniteljima kaznenih djela. Te srednjovjekovne statutarne regulacije preteča su današnjih protupožarnih i kaznenih pravnih propisa i temelji za kasniju organizaciju operativne vatrogasne službe. Potreba njihova propisivanja bila je identična svrsi donošenja današnjih pravnih propisa, a to je preveniranje te brzo i učinkovito gašenje požara. Prve hrvatske statutarne odredbe o obrani od požara dalmatinskih srednjovjekovnih gradova Dubrovnika i Trogira idu ukorak i s tadašnjim europskim uredbama o sprječavanju nastajanja požara, sadrže suvremene elemente današnjih zakonskih rješenja i pružaju čvrste temelje daljnjeg normativnog razvoja zaštite od požara u Republici Hrvatskoj.The period of the second half of the 13th and the beginning of the 14th century in Dalmatia was marked by the urban and social rise of the former ancient cities in terms of communal arrangement. With the first statutes, the city authorities codified the customary law and regulated the expansion of urban spaces. The statutes prescribed almost all important relations within the commune, government organizations, collegial and individual bodies, economic activities, social strata, the right of persons, real, mandatory, hereditary, maritime, criminal law ... and thus obligations related to fire protection. Therefore, among these first statutory regulations we find the first Croatian written provisions on fire protection. The oldest statutory provisions of the city of Dubrovnik from 1272 and 1309 prescribe the obligation to extinguish fires to their citizens, while the penal provisions from the Statute of Trogir from 1322 are characterized by the most severe penalties for arsonists and precise preventive measures of the most common causes of fires. In addition to these direct, the statutes contained a number of preventive, indirectly related provisions governing the construction and urban space for safety, hygiene, but also fire protection of the city. Despite this, catastrophic fires often broke out in every Dalmatian town, which, as a rule, devastated entire urban suburbs of wooden construction. Medieval cities opposed fire by organizing and equipping their inhabitants to put out fires, prescribing statutory construction measures to prevent fires, and punitive and strict retributive provisions against perpetrators. These medieval statutory regulations are the forerunners of today's fire and criminal law regulations and the foundations for the later organization of the operational fire service. The need to prescribe them was identical to the purpose of passing today's legal regulations, which is to prevent and quickly and effectively extinguish fires. The first Croatian statutory provisions on fire protection of the Dalmatian medieval cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir keep pace with the then European regulations on fire prevention, contain modern elements of today's legal solutions and provide a solid foundation for further normative development of fire protection in Croatia


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    Razdoblje druge polovine 13. i početka 14. stoljeća u Dalmaciji obilježeno je urbanističkim i društvenim uzletom bivših antičkih gradova u pogledu komunalnog uređenja. Gradske vlasti su prvim statutima kodificirale dotadašnje običajno pravo i regulirale širenje gradskih prostora. Statutima su se propisivali gotovo svi važniji odnosi unutar komune, organizacija vlasti, kolegijalni i individualni organi, privredne aktivnosti, društveni slojevi, pravo osoba, stvarno, obvezno, nasljedno, pomorsko, kazneno pravo... pa tako i obveze vezane uz zaštitu od požara. Stoga među tim prvim statutarnim regulacijama pronalazimo i prve hrvatske pisane odredbe o protupožarnoj zaštiti. Najstarije su statutarne odredbe grada Dubrovnika iz 1272. i 1309. godine koje svojim građanima propisuju obvezu gašenja požara, dok se kaznene odredbe iz Statuta grada Trogira iz 1322. godine odlikuju najstrožim kaznama za palikuće i preciznim preventivnim mjerama najčešćih uzročnika požara u gradu. Osim tih izravnih, statuti su sadržavali i niz preventivnih, neizravno povezanih odredbi koje uređuju gradnju i gradske prostore radi sigurnosti, higijene, ali i protupožarne obrane grada. Unatoč tome, u svakom dalmatinskom gradu često su izbijali katastrofalni požari koji su, u pravilu, poharali čitava gradska predgrađa drvene izgradnje. Srednjovjekovni gradovi suprostavljali su se vatri organiziranjem i opremanjem svojih stanovnika za gašenje požara, statutarnim propisivanjem građevinskih mjera za sprječavanjem nastanka požara te kaznenih i strogih retributivnih odredbi prema počiniteljima kaznenih djela. Te srednjovjekovne statutarne regulacije preteča su današnjih protupožarnih i kaznenih pravnih propisa i temelji za kasniju organizaciju operativne vatrogasne službe. Potreba njihova propisivanja bila je identična svrsi donošenja današnjih pravnih propisa, a to je preveniranje te brzo i učinkovito gašenje požara. Prve hrvatske statutarne odredbe o obrani od požara dalmatinskih srednjovjekovnih gradova Dubrovnika i Trogira idu ukorak i s tadašnjim europskim uredbama o sprječavanju nastajanja požara, sadrže suvremene elemente današnjih zakonskih rješenja i pružaju čvrste temelje daljnjeg normativnog razvoja zaštite od požara u Republici Hrvatskoj.The period of the second half of the 13th and the beginning of the 14th century in Dalmatia was marked by the urban and social rise of the former ancient cities in terms of communal arrangement. With the first statutes, the city authorities codified the customary law and regulated the expansion of urban spaces. The statutes prescribed almost all important relations within the commune, government organizations, collegial and individual bodies, economic activities, social strata, the right of persons, real, mandatory, hereditary, maritime, criminal law ... and thus obligations related to fire protection. Therefore, among these first statutory regulations we find the first Croatian written provisions on fire protection. The oldest statutory provisions of the city of Dubrovnik from 1272 and 1309 prescribe the obligation to extinguish fires to their citizens, while the penal provisions from the Statute of Trogir from 1322 are characterized by the most severe penalties for arsonists and precise preventive measures of the most common causes of fires. In addition to these direct, the statutes contained a number of preventive, indirectly related provisions governing the construction and urban space for safety, hygiene, but also fire protection of the city. Despite this, catastrophic fires often broke out in every Dalmatian town, which, as a rule, devastated entire urban suburbs of wooden construction. Medieval cities opposed fire by organizing and equipping their inhabitants to put out fires, prescribing statutory construction measures to prevent fires, and punitive and strict retributive provisions against perpetrators. These medieval statutory regulations are the forerunners of today's fire and criminal law regulations and the foundations for the later organization of the operational fire service. The need to prescribe them was identical to the purpose of passing today's legal regulations, which is to prevent and quickly and effectively extinguish fires. The first Croatian statutory provisions on fire protection of the Dalmatian medieval cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir keep pace with the then European regulations on fire prevention, contain modern elements of today's legal solutions and provide a solid foundation for further normative development of fire protection in Croatia